Recent content by axyjo

  1. axyjo


    Hey, do any of you guys send messages to your site's members by email newsletters? how much does it cost you on average per recipient. I'm thinking about starting my own email newspaper delivery service (1.5 cents US per recipient + 5 dollars delivery fee) and was thinking about how much it...
  2. axyjo

    mysql remote

    ok, i have searched the other posts and found out that corey has implemented a firewall block. It would be fine if my isp provided me with a static ip, but my isp gives me a dynamic ip, so how can i let corey know everytime my ip changes (dyndns? and wouldnt pm ing him every 24hrs be annoying...
  3. axyjo $5 Gift Certificate

    The item at hand is an $5 Gift Certificate.. and those are US dollars.. Hmm.. I'll make this one an auction... Bidding starts at 6800.. make the increments atleast 25 to avoid spamming. Option of buy now by the first person who posts 7100
  4. axyjo

    email accounts

    hi, i just downgraded to the advanced plan, but the number of my email accounts is 0/0 when it should be 0/5 site: thanks
  5. axyjo


    For some reason, They dont work on my site check it out:
  6. axyjo


    cPanel Username:axyjo Subdomain:6j.x10hosting How long your account has been up:I don't remember. Did you have the ads placed on every page: No, but I will if its reactivated
  7. axyjo


    I like HTML/PHP and I am looking forward to a place where i can chat about these topics