Recent content by bookwise

  1. B

    Sitemap For wordpress

    Hi. I have installed some plugins like sitemap for Wordpress for my site too. For SEO I have used the all in one SEO pack available for download off wordpress plugins page. Also using the redirection plugin so my URLs are more search engine friendly. Cheers
  2. B

    PHP coding for banner header

    Hi I want to right align a banner in the header of my website but I am having trouble with it. Would someone help me please? Original header code in wordpress blog is: <div id="header"> <h1 id="blog-title"><span><a href="<?php bloginfo('home') ?>/" title="<?php echo wp_specialchars(...
  3. B

    Tips for Adverts using a Wordpress Blog

    Lately I have had a headache figuring out how to put banners and google adsense onto my blog. I have had a few breakthroughs though so here's a few tips that I have found useful. Finding and Using Plugins Search. First check out the official Wordpress plugins page for free plugins. I used a...
  4. B

    Lotus Transfer

    Great to know you guys are on it. My site has been off for awhile now and I was getting a little worried. Worried that is not panicked! Thanks for the update!
  5. B

    Create your own free forum using x10Hosting

    I'm a newbie as far as far as installation of programs goes. I found it easy to install PHP Bulletin Board using Fantastico and it worked fine when I tried it. Until now I couldn't really see a time when I would prefer to install manually rather than using Fantastico except that I now have no...
  6. B

    x10Hosting Double Everything Special!

    This is a great incentive to have some of my other websites here. I'm seriously considering it ... Thanks :cool:
  7. B

    GZIP Compression for Zen Cart

    I have been reading through the wiki for Zen Cart and it suggests turning the GZIP compression feature on except if the server already has "output buffering." I have checked server information as per wiki instruction but get a blank page...
  8. B

    Hello X10Hosting Community

    Welcome. Its a good site so I am sure you will enjoy it
  9. B

    Just wanted to say hi

    Have now changed over to my own domain name. Links to my sites are now as follows: (Zen Cart) and (Wordpress)
  10. B

    Suspension of Account

    I just realised I have been temporarily suspended as I neglected to log in to the forums while I was holidaying overseas. I have had my account reinstated now thank you but I am wondering about future problems. Is there a limit to how many times you can miss this two week deadline? If I miss...
  11. B

    Zen Cart Please help 3days at it now...

    Just thought I'd let you know that I successfully installed Zen Cart on my site with beginner level PHP. I got a blank screen for the admin initially but after searching the forums found out I had to change a line of code. Refer to this forum thread for details...
  12. B


    Welcome. Glad to have you aboard!!!
  13. B

    How Many Websites can I Have with X10 Hosting

    I am a bit confused about the number of websites I can have with X10 Hosting so I would be really grateful if someone could explain this for me. I currently have an AD Free Account. I have my own domain and I also have a subdomain which I added for my blog as I read it was better to have a...
  14. B

    Zen Cart Installation

    Hi there The answer to a blank admin screen on installation of zen cart was answered in the free web space/free hosting forum. Ideally this would have been better under the scripts and 3rd party forum. Perhaps x10hosting might shift it sometime. However in the meantime read these threads...
  15. B

    Zen Cart Installation

    Partially solved this problem myself by reading the forums. Needed to change a line of code. Now have access to admin.