Recent content by mrburnsx

  1. M

    Request for Increased Disk Space

    While your request is being reviewed, an alternative would be using a FTP Client to download all the files to your local machine and then compress (zip) it on your local machine and going to phpmyadmin to export the database.
  2. M

    Request to unlock my account. Currently there is only one account, error number E545CC1A54798D57B

    Can only be requested at
  3. M


    Their are DNS issues being worked on and synced. Hopefully it should start working soon.
  4. M

    Laravel send email

    The mail encryption and port is wrong. Mail Encryption would need to be STARTTLS, and the correct port number is 587
  5. M

    Mail doesn't work

    Did you follow the steps in that post as instructed?
  6. M

    Mail doesn't work

    Please keep in mind it is community support with volunteers. x15 Email Issues see if this linked forum post helps
  7. M

    What is the MX Address?

    The recommended way would be to update the name servers to and, that way everything would already be setup.
  8. M

    Enable SSL Settings

    In Account Manager > Domain Setup Click on your domain name, does a Secure SSL checkbox appear?
  9. M

    requesting unsuspension

    What happens when you click the hosting control panel button?
  10. M

    I want to lift my multiple account restrictions: Domain name: error code is E4043B25DA1FAF30B. Thank you very much

    Important - Multi-Account Unblock Requests You have to reply on the post I linked to have your multiple accounts reviewed. Otherwise, the request is ignored
  11. M

    Erro "E976DAEC0362C0512".
  12. M

    Forbidden HTTP Response Code: 403

    I can not replicate this, your site is loading fine on my end.
  13. M

    Please unlock your account
  14. M

    MX records / NS change request

    The nameservers are to be changed through your domain registrar, not x10
  15. M

    Hosting Details

    Yes, the LiteSpeed Web Server