Recent content by shuboo

  1. S

    Rate and comment my 3-page website

    The layout's pretty ugly and way to simple. I suggest some buttons (because buttons make everything better) and when you update part of your site put the link to the updated part of your site.
  2. S

    Webcomic Site

    Actually, I'll think about that, because all I'd need to do would be to upload some new button images and it would change all the webpages.
  3. S

    Selling permanent links for 15 credits

    Randomocity Webcomics Humour, Webcomic Sending Credits
  4. S

    Webcomic Site

    Alrighty. I fixed the validation errors for the front page, I'll probably get around to fixing the rest of them later. Since you guys all seem to think it's too simple could I have some suggestions on what to add? Like, for example, should I add a rounded table in the background like...
  5. S

    Google Ads?

    I know I could, and have, googled it. But since I can't use a check or bank account, what would be a good one to use that will pay me through paypal? I'd like to hear your your ideas before I go and sign up to paste an ad code onto my website.
  6. S

    Age Range

    15. I feel so normal on this site.
  7. S

    Google Ads?

    Actually, let me revise this, after going half-way through the process of signing up for google ads. Does google ads allow you to accept payment via paypal rather than as a check? I didn't feel like pressing the submit button with it telling me I had to accept a check. Also, if not, what's a...
  8. S

    Web Team...

    I sent you an e-mail with more words in it. =D
  9. S

    Webcomic Site Yeah, two poorly drawn not-funny webcomics so far. Do you think I should add a 'http:/directlinkurltoimagethingy' like other webcomics have? Or is it okay without it?
  10. S

    Center Picture using CSS

    Or you could even use <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="__________"> </div> This is great because you can put text after the picture, or on a line after, etc. and it will center it until you close the div.
  11. S

    HTML Problems/Table/Center

    Alright, so here's my dilemma. I have some buttons on my site and basically what I did with them is I centered the whole line and put them next to each other. But, because of this, I end up with these silly looking black lines between the images. You can see it...
  12. S

    Speed Up Firefox. Really Works!

    As far as I can tell it definitely speeds up the load times on forums. Which is what I mostly use the internet for. Thanks a lot.
  13. S

    Sign-up Issues \ DNS

    Alright, thank you.
  14. S

    Google Ads?

    So I was just wondering, since I'm new to this webhosting thing, how well does google ads seem to work on payout? And/or what is a better ad program with higher payouts? ~Thanks
  15. S

    Sign-up Issues \ DNS

    Would the fact that my domain ceases to exist right now be a part of this? ?