Recent content by SilentCivilian

  1. SilentCivilian

    [REQ]Template needed

    Re: Template needed What's the URL to your site? I may be able to design you a professional and amazing looking template. :p I can't do the coding though. :(
  2. SilentCivilian

    Site graphics

    I would highly suggest using Photoshop. You would need HTML skills as well to code your layout. If you're just designing buttons and other graphics like that, then you don't need the HTML, except to edit the pages on your site.
  3. SilentCivilian

    Yet Another Webmaster Forum, hah.

    Well, I just got my webmaster forum categories all set up, and I thought I'd post here to see what you all think of it. I'm looking for mostly comments on the design and the choice of categories I put on there. If you can find anything else to possibly comment on though, feel free. Here's the...
  4. SilentCivilian

    If anyone is interested in my site...

    To be quite honest, I would get a new theme. That one looks pretty dull and tacky, but not bad. Also, I would suggest you make your posts longer, lol, make it interesting for people, and make them want to keep reading. I suppose, if it's just a personal/local blog for you to post the dates you...
  5. SilentCivilian

    check out my site guys

    Could definitely use a new logo, as everyone else has suggested. :P But other than that, great layout, although it could use some more color to it as well. Pretty much any soft color goes good with gray, so it's really up to you. The pictures and everything is laid out nicely, but the buttons to...
  6. SilentCivilian

    What I have so far for my Guild Site.

    It does work, you're going to the wrong link. I updated the template and put it in the main directory instead of a directory called 'lib', so the preview is here: :P
  7. SilentCivilian

    What I have so far for my Guild Site.

    Thanks, and I'm pretty satisfied with the design for now, maybe I'll tweak it up in the future some time. Thanks for the C&C everyone! :)
  8. SilentCivilian

    It's a NEW site- ( only 4 days old).-how izit?

    I'm having a problem viewing the site, did you take it offline? I'll review it once you get it up again!
  9. SilentCivilian

    What do I do Now?

    You would need to code it into a functioning web page. I would recommend hiring an XHTML/CSS coder, but they are not cheap, unless you know how to do it yourself. Then you put it on the server and it's all up and running. :)
  10. SilentCivilian

    What I have so far for my Guild Site.

    I thought about some of the suggestions, and I changed quite a bit. I did some more graphical changes to the header, just highered the contrast to make it look brighter, and got rid of the transparent menu and put it below the header. Here's what I have now...
  11. SilentCivilian

    Hello everyone

    Thanks for the welcomes, this seems like a great place. :)
  12. SilentCivilian

    Selling permanent links for 35 credits

    Name: Arsonists Elite Link: Description: Arsonists Elite | RebirthRO Guild | Private Ragnarok Server Credits sent!
  13. SilentCivilian

    What I have so far for my Guild Site.

    Hey everyone, I've been working on a template for my RebirthRO (Ragnarok private server) guild site and I wanted to know what you all think of it. I think I'm going to use some sort of floral left and right border with some good blending effects. Just let me know what you think of it! Here's a...
  14. SilentCivilian

    BF-Gaming Premium Template.

    Good, clean design. Although there isn't much on there and in the coded preview, you should vertically align the text at the top of the main content section. Also could use some more creativity, but nonetheless a great template and a great looking template. Keep up the good work. That's my C&C. :)
  15. SilentCivilian

    Hello everyone

    Hey everyone, I just started getting my site up today, so I thought I'd introduce myself on the forums. Well, I'm SilentCivilian, and the current website I'm working on is for a guild on a game for a private Ragnarok server called RebirthRO. The URL is Arsonists Elite | RebirthRO Guild. It's...