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  1. flexgrip

    resolve.conf overwritter after reboot

    Hello,I have a centos5/kloxo setup on my vps and I have this problem where the default nameservers are really slow to resolve anything. It slows the whole server down. And if things like SSH take 30-60 seconds before they will even connect.If I change the nameservers in resolv.conf from the...
  2. flexgrip

    Slow response

    Hello, My VPS is very very slow. Even at midnight (central time) right now it is very slow to respond. I have tested that it is not, in fact, my drupal installs or something I had done and I am pretty sure it is not. It seems that there are several, sometimes 5-10 seconds before I start to...
  3. flexgrip

    partial access

    I can get into cpanel in a couple of my domains (, but I am unable to view the actual websites. is my main domain, and is the site I was working on tonight. Like I said though, I can see both of the sites' cpanel. Thanks, Raymond Aguilar
  4. flexgrip

    Error connecting to database

    Hello, My domain is hosted by you guys (I think I got the web application developers special). When trying to view the website I am given the error "Error connecting to database" and the site is not functioning at all. If this is maintenance or something that is fine. Let me know...
  5. flexgrip

    Can I pay for this?

    Can I pay for this free hosting so that I can add a couple of my own domains, not have to login to the forums, and maybe a little more space/bandwidth? I asked this question before and there was a small promo for like $20 that added this stuff. But I can't find it anymore. Let me know where to...