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  1. N

    Calculating Your Uptime per month

    Hello all! I think we should start recording our uptime for our sites! Here's how you can! go to and obtain a counter to your x10hosted domain! Then after every month it will tell you how many outages have happened, and weigh it to the total month and lifetime of...
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    Some Problems w/ My Account

    Hello I'm having a few problems with my account these last few days... Okay well let me outline them: Addon Domain shows when I deleted it a while ago 7 Email slots taken and assigned to said addon domain which cannot be deleted Wordpress shows as installed in Fantastico on the Nonexistent...
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    Error From Park Wrapper

    Hello I'm getting this error when trying to delete an addon domain: Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain I'd like to just remove all the domains and excess files from my account and have it rebuilt if possible.
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    SWF Object not working

    Hey I'm having a problem where my flash object isn't showing up correctly in Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer (all latest versions w/ Flash Installed) that's the file that's not showing up and on the homepage its the banner. Only a black...
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    Account Panel Login Not Working

    Hello, I'm getting this error saying "It appears that we are having some slight difficulties, please wait and try your request again. (2A11CF2B)" I was wondering if I could get help with it, I want to change my main domain on this to get Adobe's InContext Editing to work with it.
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    Cannot Access Webmail for Domain

    Hello, I cannot seem to access my email for my domain, I login and everything looks fine however it seems as though when I choose between either Horde, or Squirrel mail, it seems to never load (take forever too late, then never does). Any ideas what might be wrong? Original Thread...
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    Cannot Access Webmail for Domain

    Hello, I cannot seem to access my email for my domain, I login and everything looks fine however it seems as though when I choose between either Horde, or Squirrel mail, it seems to never load (take forever too late, then never does). Any ideas what might be wrong?
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    Multiple "Errors" on Account

    Hello I'm having multiple errors on my account, I have noticed I have a domain (addon) which isn't displayed on my account in any such area, subdomain, addon, etc... and keep getting an error whenever I try to add it (error on park wrapper), and also I cannot access any file/ftp area on my...
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    Cannot Login, or Password Recovery

    hi I can't login at all, or recover my password. I'm on the Chopin Server
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    Error from Park Wrapper @ Chopin

    Hello I'm on the Chopin server and I get this error every time I try to add the domain (below) as an addon. Error from park wrapper: is already configured. However I've already deleted every trace of the old domain (which had an error upon adding it) apparently...
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    Double Everything?

    wrong area.
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    R1Soft Backup & Restore?

    What're the conditions for the backup & restore feature? E.g. how long? chance of success, can you do it manually? And what're your experiences with it?
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    cPanel Ads'

    Is there a way to possibly remove the ads in cpanel? They're very... annoying, especially when trying to track usage... Like an upgrade or something to remove em?
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    .TK Addresses can now be a "Domain"

    Many of you may know this already, but for those of you who don't know the ".TK" short addresses can now be used as an actual domain. Many of you like for the other features it provides, however .tk can do most of what can do. (Excluding cname). For those of you who don't know how to...