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  1. webhostingpal

    Web Hosting Review Website Critique Plz

    Hi guys, My website is now online It is an Australian hosted site that reviews website hosting providers. Let me know what you think about the site, it uses MyReviewEngine as the Wordpress plugin. I tried to make it as clean as possible to be optimised for...
  2. webhostingpal

    Greetings From Sydney

    Hi guys, This forum looks interesting and I signed up to be part of the community :) I am from Sydney, Australia and I'm sure plenty of you guys are grateful that you can have free hosting solutions offered by companies like x10Hosting! I still need to give them a try, I'll report back on...
  3. webhostingpal

    My New Web Hosting Review Site

    Hi guys, I made a website hosting review site that reviews the major hosting providers out there. I am now blogging on it and hope to add a LOT more content to the website to make it much more appealing. It was created with Wordpress using the WPReview theme. The standard templates are...