Search results

  1. FangerZero

    PHP Framework or not?

    I'm hoping someone more experienced can help me with this, I currently don't have a site as I'm going to develop locally for a while until I get a good chunk completed. Then put it on a Free Host, and eventually move over to premium. My site is for a football league, with a possibility to have...
  2. FangerZero

    Database Help?

    I just got my services today, and am having issues connecting to the database, here's the error I get. Also I have checked multiple times with the credentials and everything. Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'heartla1_admin'@'' (using password: YES)...
  3. FangerZero

    Access Denied: cPanel and Site

    I'm unable to even get to the cPanel Page, and unable to access my website. When I log into x10 on main site, it says active, and unsuspended for my account status. Any thoughts? It's been this way for over a month I want to say, I just figured they were doing more updates or something.
  4. FangerZero

    cPanel Login Issues?

    I've been trying to log into my cPanel for a while, is the Update a result of this? I didn't read it anywhere in the news, it just talks about how things might be a little funny while in the cPanel and stuffs. I know my Site has been unavailable due to the servers moving or whatevers.
  5. FangerZero

    Issues with Javascript?

    I'm currently setting up something for my brother, and using my site for tests and what naught so he can see as well. He lives 12 hours away. Anyways I have aa offline test server and the site works perfectly fine there. But when I upload it it doesn't work right. The list you see there should...
  6. FangerZero

    Curious about suspensions

    Is it normal to get suspended for inactivity when you had just changed something in the site maybe a day or two prior to suspension? or am I plainly mistaken about what activity meant. I thought it was just go into your account and work on stuffs. NOTE: Random Question was "What color is the...