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  1. giganticgaint

    my site is suspended

    i didn't find any reason except i found that there are two suspended sites.
  2. giganticgaint

    my site is suspended

    HI vishal, i have checked in my page. but there i didn't find any option to unsuspend my domain. pls do the needful.. my domain is also i want to know how to create mysql table in cpanel. i am able to create database. but i didnt find...
  3. giganticgaint

    my site is suspended

    i have a site with url it was suspended and i am unable to open my cpanel also. can somebody tell me the way to activate or even if possible, can somebody reactivate my site pls..
  4. giganticgaint

    how to place files in other than www folder

    Thanks blobtech, but i want exactly what u said. but instead of etc, i have created a directory called personal and i want to refer files in that directory. at present i am trying to do this but it's not working; <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../personal/style.css" media="all">...
  5. giganticgaint

    Hi, this is my url : i just added a calendar in my site . nothing else. actually at present all my files are in public_html folder. so anyone can see my css,js files so i want to move them to a secure folder. i created a folder in under home. but i am unable to...
  6. giganticgaint

    how to place files in other than www folder

    Hi this is my site. at present all my files are in public_html folder. i want to move some of them to other folders(css, javascript files) how can i do that and to which folders i can move. also after moving them to other...
  7. giganticgaint

    my site is not opening

    Hi my url is and my cpanel login name is: hotsmart my cpanel account is opening but my site is not working what's wrong with it i'm logged in forums two days ago(09-05-2008) and today the site is not opening what's wrong pls make it working
  8. giganticgaint

    create table in mysql@x10hosting

    Hi all, i gone through the forum but i did n't find any post that is similar to my prob.. i've created an account in x10 hosting i.e i've also created a database and users in my cpanel but i didn't see anylink to create tables in my database how can i create tables in my...