Search results

  1. atulchawathe

    Displaying new domain name in Stats of CPanel

    Hi, I have created my new Domain name - and have added it in parked domain. Now my new website is up and running. I have also setup my email accounts under new .tk domain. But my problem is my old domain is still listing in cpanel Stats section as main domain as shown in image...
  2. atulchawathe

    Hello World - from a Developer

    Hello all, First of all thank you for checking my post. I am Atul, a freelancer software developer. I design various softwares for any type of requirement during my free time. I have a range of products developed useful to you people. You can check my products at my website...
  3. atulchawathe

    ASP.Net Site Hosting Query

    To, Admin I have designed an ASP.Net website on my Home PC with SQL server as backend. In which folder on my account will i have to upload the aspx files for the website to be functional. What other settings i will have to specify for mySQL database connection apart from web.config file...