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  1. M

    Starter plan

    Hello, I switched from your current free service to your starter plan. How long it will take for the changes on "Hosting control panel" ? Thank you.
  2. M

    open_basedir : local value and master value

    Hy, I get this warning on my site: Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/db/access.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/mathsmoo/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/opt/alt/php72/usr/share/pear/:/dev/urandom:/usr/local/lib/php/:/usr/local/php72/lib/php/) in...
  3. M

    MariaDB Update to 10.4 ?

    Hi, Are you able to get MariaDB (MySQL equivalent software) updated to the 10.4 version, up from 10.3. Moodle version 4.1 install with Softaculous require MariaDB 10.4. Thank you.
  4. M

    Resolved "Upgrading Moodle with Softaculous" not resolved

    Hello, Sorry, but my problem "Upgrading Moodle with Softaculous" in not resolved. The script stops at 7% : " The following errors were found : Required MYSQL version greater than equal to 10.2.29 AND found version is : 10.1.46 " Thank you.
  5. M

    Resolved Upgrading Moodle with Softaculous

    Hello, There is a script updates for Moodle : "The following script updates are available: Moodle 3.10: To upgrade these scripts go to your Control Panel -> Softaculous -> Installations. There you will be able to update the scripts." But an error is found...
  6. M

    Resolved Increase disk space to upgrade installation with Softaculous

    Hello, I would like to upgrade my Moodle installation proposed by Softaculous (3.8.4 -> 3.9.1) , but I don't have sufficient space to upgrade this installation. Can an administrator increase disk space ? Thank you. mathmoo