Step by Step guide to speed up your site!


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There are several steps to improve your page loading speed. I will go over a few steps that will improve your site's loading time.
If you are a vbulletin owner you may contact me at either on my article or from private messaging me.

*NOTE: Some "steps" deleted from my regular article on as they apply to vbulletin forums.

Step 1: Tweak your htaccess.
Open the htaccess file in your forum root and add the following below any url rewrite rules you may have from:
Vbulletin 3 or 4 with VBSEO installed
VB4 Forum Classic
VB4 Suite
VB3 by itself
Regular sites with no cms or url rewriting being done

This covers the following Pagespeed Rules.

Leverage browser caching
Specify a cache validator
Enable gzip compression

Make the following changes in your admincp

This helps to cache nearly any file type that you may add in your attachment options (if you allow people to upload music files, zip files, rar files etc.. see the list lol)

A collection of various htaccess setups have been arranged in the attachment below.  Simply unzip & select which vb you are using.  I have included:

[*]vb3 with clogic seo
[*]vb3 with yabbseo
[*]vb4 with or without cms
[*]vb3 & 4 with vbseo (untested with vb4 suite + vbseo)
[*]Regular sites with no cms or url rewriting being done

Step 3: Optimize images
There is no more need to do this for vb4 packages unless you wish to do this on other images such as avatars, custom buttons, attachments, gallery uploads etc.

This covers the following PageSpeed Rules:

Optimize Images

If you have access to Visual Studio 2010 (grab the trial edition here which should be compatible with the addon), you can complete this step in just a few clicks using this addon

You can also use pnggauntlet which will compress images as well.

This is great to use on new skins/themes and also non animated gifs for Smileys, Signatures, Photo Album & Group Images and Avatars that your forum stores on your server!

Please note that both of these methods produce lossless images, meaning that even though it uses various methods to decrease file size there is absolutely no visual loss in quality of the image.

For non-windows users, I suggest Imageoptim & Trimage

Step 5: Use a CDN
Below are 3 free CDN's. I can vouch for cloudflare and google pagespeed service but have yet to try incapsula.

1) Incapsula
2) Cloudflare *Disable the Rocketloader feature to avoid potential issues.
3) Google PageSpeed Service *Recommended (Let it deliver js & css but not images!! You can and will lose your search rankings for images if you allow google pagespeed to deliver them!)


Consider linking to us at to help show your appreciation, since you'll be saving bandwith, reducing the loading time and thus keeping more visitors who visit your site. And impoving seo as google is now factoring in loading times into it's algorithms.

Test your page speed & yslow score's
If you would like to test your website and see what changes need to be made while you follow any part of this guide you can do so at several sites:

Webpage Test

What can you do to help me?

Right now, I'm working on a project and I'm looking to expand it to every cms as possible. So far, vbulletin 3 and 4 with or without vbseo is covered, along
with wordpress and invision.
I'll be moving on to joomla, smf, mybb, phpbb, drupal, xenforo and other cms software that rewrites urls to a "friendly url" style.
What I request is the default htaccess for these softwares and if they use addition extensions/addons such as an seo suite (such as vbseo) then send me the htaccess file
that is included with said addons.
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New Member
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Here is the htaccess to help with caching. Simply remove all lines within an existing .htaccess files minus the friendly url rewrite rules (usually located at the top).

Remember to always make a backup first!!!
If you need help with getting this to work on forums, or other cms then post to me the backed up .htaccess and either post it or pm it to me.

Also note that when using this code in a .htaccess file, if you are using a cms/forum/blog etc that has a "enable gzip" option, turn it off!! This htaccess already has that covered! You can check this out for yourself by going to the links in the above post: GTMetrix, Webpage Test & Pingdom.
If you turn gzip on in your other cms/forum/blog etc... then you will be needlessly using additional cpu & memory and even possibly lead to longer page load times & server stress.

# Author: Final Kaoss (aka: Extreme-Gaming)
# Version 2.7
# Special Thanks Goes to W3Total Cache for much of the htaccess rules
RewriteEngine on

# This file is only needed if you have set the Forum Component URL in your admincp and you are
# using the mod_rewrite option for friendly urls.  If this is the case, copy this file
# to your forum component stub directory.

# If you are having problems or are using VirtualDocumentRoot, uncomment this line and set it to your forum component directory.
# RewriteBase /vbtest/

# If you are having problems with the rewrite from content/ to content.php, uncomment this line to turn MultiViews off.
 Options -MultiViews

#Deny attempts to view the Htaccess file.
<Files .htaccess>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
# BEGIN Browser Caching/Headers
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# End Browser Caching/Headers
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