Search results

  1. Chris S

    What OS is your phone running

    I just want to find something out. What OS is your phone running?
  2. Chris S

    Guess Who's Back...Back Again

    Well...after leaving and coming back and then leaving again...I am back again...maybe I will stick around enough to see if a job position comes open again...I did used to be a coder/account manager here a long time ago...
  3. Chris S

    1000 Post

    Wow...its amazing how long it has taking me to get to 1000 posts, though it doesn't help that I left for a long while and only occasionally come back. Woo for post #1000
  4. Chris S

    PHP found in string help

    I am working on something to help me find out if a song is explicative or not. I have the following code if($i == 1 || $i == 2){ $preLyrics = openLink($link); $lyrics = explode("Lyrics -->",$preLyrics); print_r($words); $length = count($words); for($x = 0;$x <...
  5. Chris S

    Javascript Check Number Help

    I need some help checking a number and seeing if it is between two numbers and if it is, continue, if not, ask for another number. I don't have much to start with, but I do have this var num = prompt("Enter number to view more information about an album 1-6 Only"); var num =...
  6. Chris S

    PHP MYSQL WHERE statement help

    I need help with a little statement that I am working, I just cannot seem to get it to verify both values. $select = "SELECT * FROM `serverstatus` WHERE `ip` = '$serverip' AND`command` = '$key'"; I have that code and what it is supposed to do is look into my database and grab the one...
  7. Chris S

    Account not Responding

    Username: habitatp URL: Problem: My site is not responding anymore. Its not suspended, it just doesn't respond and when I try to ping it, it doesn't respond to a ping. It appears that the site may of been terminated, the only problem is that I have no idea why and when it...
  8. Chris S

    [PHP] Find Nearest Quarter Hour

    I needed a script to find the nearest quarter of the hour for a project I am working on. Here is how I did it. $quote = mktime(0,30,0,1,1,0)-mktime(0,15,0,1,1,0); $thistime = time(); $thistime = round($thistime/$quote)*$quote; $nearestQuarter = date("h:i, $thistime);
  9. Chris S

    Blocked from Firewall

    I think I have been blocked from the firewall. I was doing some work with one of the sites that brandon and I are working on and I think I have been blocked from the firewall. hum.... seems to be fixed.
  10. Chris S

    XML Error, can't find

    I have the following code below and when I try to run it, i get the error XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </key>. Location: http://localhost/ebook/index.xml Line Number 242, Column 8: </dict> --------------^ <dict> <key>bundleIdentifier</key>...
  11. Chris S

    "She president" or "He president"

    Well googles at it again
  12. Chris S

    WordPress IMPORTANT Upgrade

    There was an error in the last version of wordpress. this explains it
  13. Chris S

    Draw a House

    How good are your drawing skills. Draw a house on X10 Street
  14. Chris S

    Java Help

    I need some help with some homework. I have tried and cannot find an answer. is the said code that I am having the problem with. There are no errors being produced. The problem is that it fails on the case statement. The problem i am...
  15. Chris S

    iLibrary Testing Stage

    I am working on a site that I am calling iLibrary. What it is is a place where you can upload your library file to and then show it to other people. the link for the site is here: and if you want an example of the output result...
  16. Chris S

    Login script not working on x10 but works on home server

    I have this login script here: and yes there is a database file included just its edited out for reasons. I am wondering if anybody can spot what is wrong because it will not load anything but a blank page. no errors or anything. so if...
  17. Chris S


    I am making my own message board because I am bored, when i delete categories should i keep the posts in the database and don't remove them, or go with it and delete them along with the category. if you care about what im coding and want a look around
  18. Chris S

    Little Chunk of PHP code

    Can you guess what this does. it was hard to write so i hope its hard to guess <?php $array1 = array(); $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `point_option`") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1)){ echo...
  19. Chris S

    Little PHP help

    I have this query <?php $album_views = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(views) FROM `photo_albums`") or die(mysql_error()); ?> There have been <?php echo $album_views; ?> total album views. and i am getting resource ID #21 basically i want the number of views for the photo albums but when...
  20. Chris S

    Help with this javascript

    I need some javascript code that works in both IE, Firefox. I need it to detect the screen resolution. and if the resolution is greater then 800x600 use the code below #main { text-align: left; margin: 10px auto; width: 700px; background: #fff; padding: 20px 30px 70px...