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  1. O

    who plays far cry 2?

    Oh I never doubted computers are better for games, that's what I have the actual Far cry for, but this old clunker can't play Gothic 3 without serious issues let alone a high end game like that, if ya know what I mean ;)
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    who plays far cry 2?

    No? Can you get that for a console? My computer has issues with games, it's more utilitarian.
  3. O

    What ever happened to space sims?

    EVE online is superb, I've been an addict for awhile, in fact i'm here to host my corps website, well my alt's corp website :P Another good one that seems to be like freelancer that is coming out is jump gate evolution.
  4. O

    Servers servers everywhere..

    Ouch must of missed that, sorry, and thank you! :)
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    who plays far cry 2?

    I play it on my xbox 360 once in awhile, I'm not sure what it is about the game but I really can;t get into it. Great graphics and the fire physics are indeed really need. nothing like leading the buggers into a field and lighting it up. As I am playing it on an xbox i've neevr encournted...
  6. O

    Servers servers everywhere..

    So, all the transferees etc are going on, and I've been keeping up to date on it, but i've never once seen the server "Starka" mentioned. Am I missing something? Just curious.. also.. "The answer given for the random question was incorrect." The sky infact is no "coloured" much like water...
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    Would you give up cPanel for better uptime?

    I love Cpanel, It makes my life easy. But to be frank as much as I enjoy using it, whats the point if I can't even use the site in the first place? Cplanel's makers have tied your hands on this and as such they will most likely loose you as a customer for your free servers. IF there is an alt...
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    I know it's free but..

    ah okay, thanks for the response. Lets hope they get that all worked out.. I used to know one of the guys that started this place.
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    Check Out My New Site!

    I really like it, took me a few seconds to find how to turn the music off though.
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    I know it's free but..

    So, every 20 or so minutes, my website stops working. You try to connect and you just get the whole "Connection Interrupted The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again." Is...
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    The Ctrl+V game

    2009.05.17 16:59 Victim: Superior Glokta Corp: Dark-Rising Alliance: None Faction: NONE Destroyed: Myrmidon System: Amamake Security: 0.4 Damage Taken: 24336 Involved parties: Name: Tassaro Security: 3.9 Corp: 14th Legion Alliance: Equilibrium. Faction: NONE Ship: Drake Weapon: Acolyte I...