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  1. M

    Close Hosting Account

    Account Deletion Request. Please delete my free hosting account. cPanel Username: gloop ( x ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my...
  2. M

    Close Hosting Account

    I would like my hosting account closed, leave my forum account open, thanks!
  3. M

    Boru running very slow, and offline at times.

    I've been noticing that for the entire past month my website has been at crawling speeds at some times, and completely offline at other times. Out of the 2 years I've been with x10 I've never seen this happening in the state it is right now, it's just so ridiculous! My website is constantly...
  4. M

    Problem rvsitebuilder >>>>>>
  5. M

    Slow Speeds

    Alright, thanks for the assistance I will look into upgrading soon.
  6. M

    Slow Speeds

    Is it possible to be moved to a different Free Hosting server?
  7. M

    Slow Speeds

    I have been getting very sluggish speeds, possibly because of the high server load? It's at an average of 13 and I think it is effecting the speeds, HTML pages load perfectly, however PHP scripts are loading at a crawling rate. is my website and I would...
  8. M

    Domain Not Working

    It works now. Close this thread
  9. M

    Cannot change domain name

    It works now. Close this thread
  10. M

    Cannot change domain name

    It's taking a long time again, I'll post it when it doesn't work
  11. M

    Cannot change domain name

    Every time I try to change my account's main domain name, it processes for like 5 hours and then it says there was a system error. Can anyone help me out?
  12. M

    Domain Not Working

    Yea its working again but it keeps randomly cutting out :/
  13. M

    Domain Not Working

    My domain is not working anymore and it keeps saying that the page is temporarily unavailable.
  14. M

    Count to 200

    55 apples.
  15. M

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to x10!
  16. M

    $5 Counter-Strike Source

    ain't 5 bucks anymore?
  17. M

    Free Accounts Upgraded

    Awesome! Now only if we can get add-on domains and ftp accounts upgraded...
  18. M

    Additional Changes

    Aww thank you =) Im not too fond about the forums but there useful anyways. X10Hosting is the best!
  19. M

    creating a facebook app and hosting it here

    Google is your friend.
  20. M

    Virus through Facebook?

    It is possible, hackers can easily get into the facebook database, im not talking about skiddies, im talking about real dedicated hackers.