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  1. P


    Thanks for that kloadx10
  2. P


    does anybody know how you would you go about backing up a joomla site?
  3. P

    Account creation queue

    Thanks for that Anna. It's just that it has been 3 days now, and my friend is getting desperate.
  4. P

    Account creation queue

    Is there any update on this?
  5. P

    Account creation queue

    Just asking for a friend Does anyone know how long the current account ctreation queue is?
  6. P

    Text based game Help!

    I am already an admin on a VBullitin site
  7. P

    Text based game Help!

    I may be able to help you depending on what you really need, I am not really a game person, but I do have the advantage of being local. I also are in Bradford
  8. P

    Starka Down

    It looks like Starka went offline today my site was unavailable for just over 6 hours.
  9. P


    In the support forum there are a lot of people that are just asking for the nameservers or the MySql host name would it not be a good idea to use the notices manager in VB Admin control panel to display this information at the top of the support forum. You can use HTML tags for font size/colour...
  10. P

    I cant reponse to support threads

    I too have seen this and as an Admin for another forum (nothing to do with hosting) find it frustrating when you know the answer, but can not reply. I believe that you need a certain number of posts to before you can even be considered to help in the support. I however understand why the...
  11. P

    Wamp Server

    Well I have finally got it working to an extent. I have looked at everything that I fond on the web, but none of the fixes worked, so I completly uninstalled it, deleted its folder, deleted everything I could find in the registry, did a full search of the computer and deleted all tucked away...
  12. P

    iPhone 5 or Not?

    I prefer the phone that stays in the box? I think that mobile's are a real pain
  13. P


    Hi and Welcome
  14. P

    Greetings all!

    Hi and Welcome
  15. P

    Hi everyone

  16. P

    Greetings Pal!!

    Welcome to x10
  17. P

    Good day, all

    Hello and welcome
  18. P

    what is the worst accident that has happened in your town?

    I don't know how far you want to go back, but in 1916 the local war ammunition factory blew up explosions carried on for 2 days casualties were quite low for such an explosion with 34 dead and 60 injured. Property was damaged for more than 2.5 miles (4 Km) around the blast.
  19. P

    Wamp Server

    I don't use the Windows Firewall, just the one that comes with my antivirus, I've just checked to make sure the Windows firewall is turned off. I don't know of any other applications that may be filtering Network communications. mysql MySQL Support enabled Active Persistent Links 0 Active...