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    OpenVZ cPanel Packages $15.95/mo plan???

    thank you for your responses there were very helpful, I have a domain and now I dont know if you could answer this, when I am going to buy the vps and I must introduce the domain name but my domain is currently being access and I dont want to interrupt my service while I am doing the...
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    OpenVZ cPanel Packages $15.95/mo plan???

    thank you carl6969 your answers were very helpful, which vps package do you have?? you dont use cpanel what do you use?? I think with the vps package the cpanel , mysql and php updates are made by yourself?? thank you again you explained to me in a very simple way. thanks
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    OpenVZ cPanel Packages $15.95/mo plan???

    Hello Well I searched for info just to find out about the OpenVZ Cpanel package $15.95/mo plan. I am currently with the Artic paid hosting, So I have a couple of question to the people that have their own OpenVZ Cpanel package so if you could tell me and explain this stuff that x10hosting cover...
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    Web service con PHP problemas

    Saludos. he estado batallando con algo que no he podido decifrar que podra ser, tengo un mi webservice constrido pero solo con una funcion registrada funciona bien cuando registro otra funcion que contiene los mismos parametros que la primera funcion pero le pongo otro nombre me sale este error...
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    Delete break spaces php

    hi I have this text Saldo Real 197.66 Saldo Promocional 1 427.94 Fecha de Vencimiento 30 / 08 / 2028 And I want to convert it to Saldo Real 197.66 Saldo Promocional 1 427.94 Fecha de vencimiento 30/08/2008 because this text I sent it via url and when I sent...
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    map-mail-compose php return_path

    Look at this some one had the same problem before Edit: $to=''; $siteemail=''; $subject = "This is subject"; $headers .= "From: $siteemail<$siteemail>\n"; $headers .= "X-Sender: <$siteemail>\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n"...
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    map-mail-compose php return_path

    Hi Misson. Now I understand why the return-path is never changed, I assumed that the return-path it could be changed because I find some examples with imap_mail_compose using return_path but is not possible to do that. Misson a final question the server do the final address in return_path, but...
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    map-mail-compose php return_path

    I changed $envelope["from"]= ""; $envelope["return-path"]= ""; $envelope["in_reply_to"]= ""; $envelope["reply_to"]= ""; And still appears Return-path: <> Envelope-to:
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    map-mail-compose php return_path

    Yes the return path is the server, is the cpanel username@name of the server. I send the email via imap function $envelope["from"]= ""; $envelope["return_path"]= ""; $part1["type"] = TYPEMULTIPART; $part1["subtype"] = "mixed"; $mail...
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    map-mail-compose php return_path

    does any one know how to do this??
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    SMS Gateway ???

    Hi. Do you know about a sms gateway that the price is very good I mean the cheapest sms gateway that you use?? If you like send me a Private message Thank you
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    Read XML PHP

    Hello!!! I just find out how to do that any way thank you garrettroyce for your answers and everybody for your help, but this is how I resolve it to receive the xml data with this code. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = file_get_contents ('php://input') or die('file_get_contents (php://input)'); Thank you...
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    Read XML PHP

    I undestand now, my software is that I send sms with a provider then this provider sends me the status of the sms via xml push but in my logs appears the url of my sms provider that it sent me or visited my update page but I do not know how to capture the structure that my sms provider sends me...
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    Read XML PHP

    Do you know how to do this in php?? to receive the xml structure?
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    Read XML PHP

    Thank you for the response that was what I need. I have another question guys, I receive this help from my support but I dont understand how receive the xml data that they say This is the email. You can receive the reports on Your url with the PUSH method . You need to setup Your system to read...
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    Read XML PHP

    Hi. Does any one has a php sintax to parse and read the contents of this xml string, like example to extract the text of message id, sendtdate, donedate, status?? This is the xml structure. <deliveryreport> <message id="msgID" sentdate="xxxxx" donedate="xxxxx" status="xxxxxx" />...
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    Create Email Cpanel from PHP

    What I am trying to do is that when a user register to my site automatically creates an email account in my server, just to avoid to do it my self from cpanel and to let the user use the email account automatically when register. Thanks
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    Create Email Cpanel from PHP

    Hi. Any one knows how to create an email account like example automatically from PHP in my Cpanel, without to go to cpanel and create it there. Thank you
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    Registrar Dominio en X10hosting

    OK Gracias
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    Dreamweaver remote Mysql

    Hello. I open this post and I find out how to connect to an external mysql, I am at artic server (a paid one) and this is what you must do to connect to mysql, I dont remember if a free server support Mysql remote. First at your cpanel you must add the ip at the Mysql access remote. After at...