realtime 3D vectorballs in CSS/JavaScript


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Other than the image used as a border (included as attatchment), this demo is purely CSS/JavaScript.
The colors are randomly selected when executed, as well as when you click on the image.

Enjoy! :)

Copy the following code, save as an html, and place the attatched image in the same folder as the html file.
<!-- realtime 3D vectorballs in CSS/JavaScript - -->
<!doctype html>
<title>c0de the planet</title>
<div onclick="changeColor()">
<div style="position:relative; width:400px; height:300px;">
<div id="box" style="visibility:hidden; z-index:-1; position:absolute; width:400px; height:300px; overflow:hidden;"></div>
<img src="box.png" onload="boxloaded()">
.divball{position:absolute; box-shadow: inset -5px -5px 20px 0px #000000; border-radius:255px; overflow:hidden;}
.hilite{position:absolute; width:5px; height:5px; border-radius:255px;}
// -- script main entry point --

var speed = 0;
var dbx = new Array(); var cbx = new Array();
var dby = new Array(); var cby = new Array();
var dbz = new Array(); var cbz = new Array();
var dbcolor = 0;
var population = 20;
var DIVBALL$ = "";
var x,y,tx,ty,tz;
var timer;
var shape=0;
var rt1 = new Array("0,0,0",  "0,0,2",  "0,-4,0",  "0,2,0",  "1,2,0",  "0,2,0",  "1,2,1");
var rt2 = new Array("0,0,0",  "0,-2,2", "0,6,0",  "1,2,0",  "0,2,1",  "0,2,1",  "1,1,2");
var rt3 = new Array("0,0,0",  "3,-3,2", "0,-10,0",  "-1,2,1",  "2,1,0",  "1,2,0",  "-2,2,2");

for (x=0; x<population; x++)
  { DIVBALL$ += "<div id='divball"+x+"' class='divball'><div id='hilite"+x+"' class='hilite'></div></div>"; }


// -- end of main entry point --

function timeline(){
  timer = setInterval("morph("+shape+"); draw();",(1000/30));
  setTimeout('copy(); clearTimeout(timer); timer=setInterval("rotateIt('+rt1[shape]+')",33)',1500);
  setTimeout('clearTimeout(timer); timer=setInterval("rotateIt('+rt2[shape]+')",33)',6000);
  setTimeout('clearTimeout(timer); timer=setInterval("rotateIt('+rt3[shape]+')",33)',10000);
  setTimeout('clearTimeout(timer); timeline()',15000);

function rotateIt(rx,ry,rz){
  for (a=0; a<population; a++) {
    var angle = ((Math.PI / 180)*speed);
    rotateX(a, angle*rx);
    rotateY(a, angle*ry);
    rotateZ(a, angle*rz);

function copy() {
  for (x=0; x<population; x++) {cbx[x]=dbx[x];cby[x]=dby[x];cbz[x]=dbz[x];} }

function center() {
  for (x=0; x<population; x++) { dbx[x]=0; dby[x]=0; dbz[x]=0; } }

function circle() {
  for (x=0; x<population; x++) {
    dbx[x] = Math.round((Math.cos(x*((Math.PI*2)/population)))*95);
    dby[x] = Math.round((Math.sin(x*((Math.PI*2)/population)))*95);
    dbz[x] = 0;
} }

function square() {
  for (y=0; y<6; y++){
    for (x=0; x<5; x++){
      dbx[x+(y*5)] = -80+(x*40);
      dby[x+(y*5)] = -60+(y*40);
      dbz[x+(y*5)] = 0;
} } }

function box() {
  dbx = new Array(-50,0,50,-50,0,50,-50,0,50,-50,0,50,-50,50,-50,50,-50,50,-50,50);
  dby = new Array(-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,-50,-50,0,0,0,0);
  dbz = new Array(-50,-50,-50,50,50,50,-50,-50,-50,50,50,50,0,0,0,0,-50,-50,50,50);

function spring() {
  for (x=0; x<population; x++) {
    dbx[x] = Math.round((Math.cos(x*((Math.PI*4)/population)))*38);
    dbz[x] = Math.round((Math.sin(x*((Math.PI*4)/population)))*38);
    dby[x] = -145+x*16;
} }

function plus() {
  for(x=0; x<3; x++){
    dbx[x]=100-(x*28); dby[x+3]=100-(x*28); dbz[x+6]=100-(x*28);
    dbx[x+9]=-100+(x*28); dby[x+12]=-100+(x*28); dbz[x+15]=-100+(x*28);
} }

function smile() {
  for (x=0; x<14; x++) {
    dbx[x] = Math.round((Math.cos(.04+x*((Math.PI*1.5)/population)))*120);
    dby[x] = Math.round((Math.sin(.04+x*((Math.PI*1.5)/population)))*120);
    dbz[x] = 0;
  for (x=14; x<20; x+=2) {
    dbx[x]=-40;  dby[x]=-100+((x-13)*15); dbz[x]=0;
    dbx[x+1]=40; dby[x+1]=-100+((x-13)*15); dbz[x+1]=0;
} }

function draw() {
  for (x=0; x<population; x++) {
    document.getElementById('divball'+x).style.left = cbx[x]+((cbz[x]*cbx[x])/360)+ 180 + "px";
    document.getElementById('divball'+x) = cby[x]+((cbz[x]*cby[x])/360)+ 130 + "px";
    document.getElementById('divball'+x).style.width = (cbz[x]/(Math.PI*4)) + 30 + "px";
    document.getElementById('divball'+x).style.height = (cbz[x]/(Math.PI*4)) + 30 + "px";
    document.getElementById('divball'+x).style.zIndex = Math.round((cbz[x]+1)*100);
    hisize = ((cbz[x]+55)/8); if(hisize>5){hisize=5}; if(hisize<0){hisize=0}
    document.getElementById('hilite'+x).style.boxShadow = (8+(cbz[x])/20)+"px "+(8+(cbz[x])/20)+"px 10px "+ hisize +"px rgba(255,255,255,.75)";
} }

function rotateX(vect,rad) {
  ty = cby[vect]; tz = cbz[vect];
  cby[vect] = ((ty * Math.cos(rad)) + (tz * Math.sin(rad)));
  cbz[vect] = ((ty * -Math.sin(rad)) + (tz * Math.cos(rad)));

function rotateY(vect,rad) {
  tx = cbx[vect]; tz = cbz[vect];
  cbx[vect] = (tx * Math.cos(rad)) + (tz * Math.sin(rad));
  cbz[vect] = (tx * -Math.sin(rad)) + (tz * Math.cos(rad));

function rotateZ(vect,rad) {
  tx = cbx[vect]; ty = cby[vect];
  cbx[vect] = (tx * Math.cos(rad)) + (ty * -Math.sin(rad));
  cby[vect] = (tx * Math.sin(rad)) + (ty * Math.cos(rad));

function morph(shape){
    case 0: center();  break;
    case 1: circle();  break;
    case 2: spring();  break;
    case 3:    box();  break;
    case 4: square();  break;
    case 5:  smile();  break;
    case 6:   plus();  break;
  for (b=0; b<population; b++) {
    if(cbx[b] != dbx[b]) {cbx[b] = cbx[b] + ((dbx[b]-cbx[b])*.17)}
    if(cby[b] != dby[b]) {cby[b] = cby[b] + ((dby[b]-cby[b])*.17)}
    if(cbz[b] != dbz[b]) {cbz[b] = cbz[b] + ((dbz[b]-cbz[b])*.17)}
} }

function changeColor() {
  do {
    red = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
    green = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
    blue = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
  } while( (red<180) & (green<180) & (blue<180) )
  newcolor = "rgb("+red+","+green+","+blue+")";
  for (x=0; x<population; x++)
    { document.getElementById('divball'+x).style.backgroundColor = newcolor; }
  red+=64; if(red>230){red=230}; if(red<180){red=180};
  green+=64; if(green>230){green=230}; if(green<180){green=180};
  blue+=64; if(blue>230){blue=230}; if(blue<180){blue=180};
  newcolor = "rgb("+red+","+green+","+blue+")";
  document.getElementById('box').style.backgroundColor = newcolor;

function boxloaded()

<!-- c0de the planet -->

NOTE: Some browsers, such as Internet Explorer. have a relatively slow rendering when it comes to certain things, like box-shadow styles. Google seems to handle this demo very nicely, while Internet Explorer doesn't give a very good performance.

EDIT: Made a few small tweaks.


  • box.png
    32.7 KB · Views: 4
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