template questions


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so i dont no html at all except for the very basics. and i downloaded a template i like but i cant get other pages to work. alright so here is my site with the uploaded tutorial doing everything they have told me so far. www.blaindugan.x10hosting.com . what do i have to do to make it go to a new page when i click downloads, forum, members. right now it does nothing like that.


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Hokay, so I’m going to talk you through the simplest way possible of making new pages. I'm going to give examples using the cPanel file manager as I don't know if you use FTP or not. Firstly get the cPanel file manager opened and locate the index.html page that you have there already. Before we start making new pages, we are going to edit this index.html and make the links on the top bar work. If you look, you have 5 links on it... Home, Members, Matches, Forums, Downloads. At the moment, they are being told to go to "#" when it is clicked on. Now "#" isn’t a real page, its just a marker type thing to signify that you need to put a link there.

Click on the filename of "index.html" and click on "Edit File". You will now see a whole load of mark-up in front of you, scroll down until you come across this piece of code:

  <a href="index.html"><img src="images/25_08.gif" alt="" width="39" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="#"><img src="images/25_09.gif" alt="" width="55" height="13" border="0"></a></td>			   <td colspan="4">

					   <a href="#"><img src="images/25_10.gif" alt="" width="52" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="#"><img src="images/25_11.gif" alt="" width="50" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="#"><img src="images/25_12.gif" alt="" width="61" height="13" border="0"></a></td>

This above code shows the images that are used for the navigation buttons, and the links that they will go to when pressed. The first one has already been given a link to go to, notice the:

  <a href="index.html">	 stuff here	</a>

In HTML, anything between those two above tags will go to the link given when pressed. In this case the code inside the above is an image, so when the image is pressed it will tell the browser to go to the link given (in this case its index.html). Notice there are four more of these "<a>" tags below, these correspond to all of the navigation buttons and in the order they appear on your screen (left to right) when the web page is viewed. With this in mind we are going to put the new links in. Replace the code with this.

  <a href="index.html"><img src="images/25_08.gif" alt="" width="39" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="members.html"><img src="images/25_09.gif" alt="" width="55" height="13" border="0"></a></td>			   <td colspan="4">

					   <a href="matches.html"><img src="images/25_10.gif" alt="" width="52" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="forums/"><img src="images/25_11.gif" alt="" width="50" height="13" border="0"></a></td>


					   <a href="downloads.html"><img src="images/25_12.gif" alt="" width="61" height="13" border="0"></a></td>

Ok, so now when the members link is pressed, you will be taken to another page "members.html" (we have not actually made this page yet but we will later.). When you click on the matches link you will be taken to "matches.html". When you click on forums you will be taken to the directory "forums/" (you will need to create a forum in the directory "http://yourwebsite.com/forum" using Fantastico or something.). When you click on downloads you will be taken to "downloads.html".

Right, so now click save and close the editing window. Ok so we now have the links set, all we now need to do is make three copies of the index.html file. It would be easier with FTP but hey, we can do it with cPanel... Click on the index.html file and click "Edit File" on the right. Highlight all the code in the file (Ctrl + A) and right click, copy it (Ctrl + C). Now close the editing window. Click on "Create New File", name in members.html in the box that appears on the right. Click Create. The file will then appear in the file manager, click on it and click "Edit File", paste the code into it and save it... Now do the same process and make the other two files "matches.html" and "downloads.html"

You should now have the site done....