Using some .HTACCESS Rules found in Paul Irish's HTML 5 Boilerplate on my new W/S


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Hello everyone,

I am here today to try and get a problem answered by all you knowledgeable designers / coders ...

My question is this; Can I use *some* of the .htaccess rules that can be found in the HTML5 Boiler Plate (By Paul Irish)

As the name implies I am looking to build and deploy a bleeding-edgy Glitzy New HTML 5 Web App.

One of my primary concerns will be to build a fast Web App this in-turn leads me onto the question of Speed/Caching processes.

Is there some way 'or' place where I can review my web server's environment variables (server configuration) as I can no longer simply check with phpinfo(); which would otherwise be available to me to enable me to tweak accordingly

I prefer not to do a "trial by fire" as X10 is a shared hosting platform and I wish to be as respectful as possible.

How can I go about using some of the rules found in the HTML5 Boiler Plate's .htaccess file on the X10 server's without the possibility of overloading, or causing deaggregation of service for other?

Any information would be appreciated

P.S Please see Attachment for Example View attachment htaccess.txt file and open in a browser window to see un-minified version
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Community Paragon
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Environment variables are accessible in PHP via the $_ENV super global.

As for the rest of your post, there may be a real question struggling to get out, but it hasn't succeeded. Of course you can use only some Apache configuration settings from a given setup. However, you haven't specified your requirements enough to give a specific, sensible answer as to which portions to keep (assuming that's what you're after).

If you want to get a better idea of the impact of any particular configuration options, your best bet is to profile them on your own development server. If you aren't yet running a development server, install something like XAMPP or WampServer.