Recent content by aquari11

  1. aquari11

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed - Again !

    Oh well, if everything worked well, this service would cost $20 a month :lol:
  2. aquari11

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed - Again !

    Yeah, such as i cant sign up on it at all.
  3. aquari11


  4. aquari11

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed - Again !

    I thought that was what Cloud Flare was supposed to do ?? No, wait, its broke also.
  5. aquari11

    Cpanel page not loading

    Ive had the same issue before, seemed to just take a little while for the url to kick in. Glad youre up and running, you will enjoy X10 Hosting. ;)
  6. aquari11

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed - Again !

    Why was varnish, the most likely culprit here even installed when everything was working fine before that. Staff not busy enough with complaints ? :whistling:
  7. aquari11


    Thats a reasonable explanation, however, that was surely not the case when Neil and Dead-i signed up, or they had a piece of duct tape over their camera lens :rofl:
  8. aquari11


    What determines which server you are put on when you sign up here ? Is it random, alphabetical, based on site name or what ? :confused:
  9. aquari11

    Is there a server here that dont do this ?

    Thanks Neil and Dead-i answers all my questions.... 4 now ;)
  10. aquari11

    Is there a server here that dont do this ?

    Is this happening on all servers or just x01 x02 and x03 ?
  11. aquari11

    Is there a server here that dont do this ?

    Oh !! is this also what visitors to our sites see when they click the link to visit our site and maybe join ??
  12. aquari11

    Is there a server here that dont do this ?

    Okey Doke :)
  13. aquari11

    Is there a server here that dont do this ?

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed Backend fetch failed Guru Meditation: XID: 64699909 Varnish cache server
  14. aquari11

    A maybe useful site testing tool

    I found this site and thought it might be helpful in trying to improve your websites;