Recent content by bennym

  1. B

    Site not updating

    I have the same problem. You aren't on Lotus by any chance, are you? UPDATIN' MAH POST: I have found a temporary solution. Updating via FTP works for me. CPanel seems to have a seperate copy of the files somewhere.
  2. B

    Files uploaded but page won't load

    Same issue as the guy in this thread. I have it too.
  3. B

    Gday from Aus :P

    Hey hey :) :laugh: Hope you have fun here, Happy Australia day --The fellow Aussie.
  4. B

    The Ctrl+V game

    @name Targeter Framework @inputs @outputs @persist Tar:entity @trigger if(first()){ runOnTick(1) runOnChat(1) } if(chatClk(owner())){ #If the owner talks Data=owner():lastSaid():explode(",") if(Data:string(1)=="!tar"){ #If the owner started with "!tar" (To avoid...