Recent content by blackmind

  1. blackmind

    Get 10 credits for 5 second work

    voted - its fast
  2. blackmind

    I'm suspended

    I'm suspended cause : You have been suspended for violating our max email per hour rule - free hosting accounts are only allowed to send 100 emails per 1 hour (3600 seconds). Contact x10hosting support to resolve this suspension . I just e-mailed my members , because the forum is back...
  3. blackmind

    help my website gone funny on its own

    Create a file index.html or index.php , then redirect to your forum ... Use this code to redirect : <html> <script> location = ""; </script> </html>:) .
  4. blackmind

    What is your favourite game of all time?

    1)Pro evolution Soccer 2) Age of Mythology 3 ) Counter Strike
  5. blackmind

    My first time here.

    Welcome , here , have a nice time @x10hosting .
  6. blackmind

    IP.Board v. vBulletin

    Vbulletin is more advanced , but vbulletin has very much buggs . IP.Board is better only for design & styles .
  7. blackmind

    Hi all

    Hi , i'm blackmind from Albania , i like services very much ;) . just go ahead .