Recent content by bonecrus

  1. bonecrus

    Ftp details

    Oh just notice it is vistapanel on my other host and not cpanel.
  2. bonecrus

    Ftp details

    Ah ok now i see it thanks for the help.
  3. bonecrus

    Ftp details

    I cannot see my username details anywhere in cpanel like i said it is not writen anywhere when i am loging in from the portal. And i am using flash fxp. So i need those details to be able to connect. Why the ftp details are not in the side bar stats like on all Cpanel ?
  4. bonecrus

    Ftp details

    How can i retrieve my ftp account details. I have figure out the ftp address but i can not see the username anywhere because when i log in portal i am also login to Cpanel. So there is no way i can see what is the username when i am login in Cpanel. Help please!
  5. bonecrus

    Website is mess up

    Thanks for the reply.
  6. bonecrus

    Website is mess up

    2 weeks now that my website is not working propely. Can someone fix it?
  7. bonecrus

    Account Inactivity Final Warning

    Here is what i found about your problem: An Error 522 means that the connection started on the origin web server, but that the request was not completed. The most common reason why this would occur is that either a program, cron job or resource is taking up more resources than it should causing...
  8. bonecrus

    Site Broken

    Just delete the plugin from the ftp and all should be fine.
  9. bonecrus

    My site does not load (sometimes)

    Looks fine now thanks Bryon :cool:
  10. bonecrus

    My site does not load (sometimes)

    I have the same problem as you since a couple of days. Are you on absolut server?
  11. bonecrus

    FTP: 421 50 users (the maximum) error

    Does someone working on this issue nothing on status page again as always: Free Hosting Service Status Blog