Recent content by BringIt

  1. BringIt

    Plan change?

    Thank you Martin, i submitted a ticket. By the way, I'm wanting to go the other way around. From ad-enhanced to ad-free, lol. Thanks for the help :D.
  2. BringIt

    Plan change?

    Would it be faster if i had an add free account to get it setup? If so. would it be possible to change my plan to add free cause it seems to be taking a long time to get my email regarding the install of the ad enhanced seems to be taking a long time.
  3. BringIt

    New guy on the block :D.

    Just popping in to say hello to everyone. I hope everyone is in good health as they read this post :D. The name BringIt is a name i use when i play multiplayer PC games like Halo, COD4 and a few others. I'm a father of 2 wonderful children and also have one heck of a girlfriend that puts up...
  4. BringIt

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    I choose Vista. I much prefer Windows 7, but that wasn't an option, so i went with the next best thing ;). Vista is actually a great operating system, as long as you have modern hardware. I have Vista 64bit and Windows 7 64bit setup in a dual boot, but i hardly boot over to Vista anymore :D...
  5. BringIt

    The right age to get married?

    I chose 25-30 also, it's a good age. For one, it's at an age that most people have already gone through their "party" years and are now ready to move on with life. lastly it's at an age where most people have a good secure, well paying job and are ready to start a family.