Recent content by canalavelibrary

  1. canalavelibrary

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    My choice is Windows 7, it's sleek, up to par with XP (I don't notice a difference at all in speed), and just awesome. I can't wait for WindowsBlinds 7 and all the other customization programs to catch up though, because the default Aero interface does get a little boring after a while (but what...
  2. canalavelibrary

    Linux Users Unite!

    I used to be a Linux user... but, my priority was gaming, and gaming didn't work too well even with WINE, so I switched back to Windows. However, I uesd Ubuntu, and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. Compared to Windows, it was pretty darn fast, and cool. I did get a few issues with customization...
  3. canalavelibrary

    New and requesting help

    Hey, welcome! You have to access your cPanel or use an FTP account to upload files. Your cPanel URL should be listed in your account panel on the x10 site.
  4. canalavelibrary

    Pokemon Alphabet Game!!

  5. canalavelibrary

    what is your favourite online game?

    MMO-wise, EVE Online. Other than that, Team Fortress 2 takes the cake.
  6. canalavelibrary

    What's up?

    I suppose I'll be sticking around here, since hosting requires visiting the forums every two weeks, I'll just visit on a regular basis. :dunno: