Recent content by chaloux

  1. C

    Recently finished site

    There probably aren't many karters on the forum but I do know there are some car people, so check out It is an online documentary (in progress) of a vacation two friends and I are currently on. It features media and a user upload section (which is functional but needs a...
  2. C

    Reset password please

    Please reset my password:
  3. C

    Can't add FTP accounts

    Well, after trying numerous times to add an FTP account, I simply cannot do it. This error message pops up after the account is created: "Syncing Ftp Databases....[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]" The account is there, but it does not work. Any ideas? Thanks.
  4. C

    Can't access Http/cpanel

    Hi, I don't believe my account would be suspended on the first day I've signed up, but I could be wrong. The Cpanel doesn't exactly not work, it just loads forever without getting anywhere. FTP still works, and I simply get a "The page cannot be displayed" error when going to...
  5. C

    Our site!

    Hey guys, visit our online portfolios! Any feedback is welcome. The site has just started so as time passes we will have more and more media online (all original).