Recent content by chisaku

  1. chisaku

    Game movies

    Somehow I dislike movies made from games... the movies always leave so much important information and happenings out because they're either hard to do or they take too much time. I'd say that they leave the games alone. I do hope they don't make a "Beyond Good and Evil" movie... or a Zelda one.
  2. chisaku

    Linking account error

    Thanks for your helpfulness! It's always pure joy to ask for help here, that is what makes you all so special. Thanks x10hosting! :happysad: I shall be using you in the future! Probably... forever. >:D
  3. chisaku

    Linking account error

    My account should be terminated by now, here's the thread with a response that it is!
  4. chisaku

    Linking account error

    I recently terminated my account to transfer from ad-enhanced to ad-free. (Mainly because my need for all the MBs wasn't too large!) Now, when I'm trying to make a new account, during the registration it says that my forum account is still linked with the account that was terminated. So, could a...
  5. chisaku

    Concerning vacations...

    Thanks for the quick replies! Problem resolved! I tried it through and it's awesome how well it optimizes everything! Thanks, this is really valuable information I would have never known without you peoples. Thanks! :hsughr: Closing thread. :D
  6. chisaku

    Review my site and writing for credits!

    I've commented on your beautiful story, Wo Ai Ni - Chapter 1. :) Now for the site review... My first thought about your homepage is that I don't quite like the top banner. I know you've worked hard to get the layout right, but I dislike gradients. =[ Or metallic colours... that remind me...
  7. chisaku

    Concerning vacations...

    The birds are chirping, summer is coming closer and the schools and jobs have ended... :happysad: Everybody is happy, inside and outside, children can be heard laughing and singing. Some people decide to travel for a bit longer time than a week or two, which happens about once a year for me, to...
  8. chisaku

    I upgraded my PHP, SUHOSIN still present

    It has gone about 1 to almost 2 days since I updated my PHP to intermediate, but the same problem is still present. Fatal error: SUHOSIN - Use of preg_replace() with /e modifier is forbidden by configuration in /home/chisaku/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php(627) : regexp code on line 627I am...
  9. chisaku

    Site won't load without proxy

    This has been going on for a while. :happysad: My site won't load for me without a proxy, neither for other people who read my blog at, which all reside in Europe... I cleared my cache, cookies... yeah, even installed my computer over to get it to work! I don't feel comfortable...