Recent content by christian.v.t.shadd14

  1. christian.v.t.shadd14

    MySQL PHP Errors.

    So is the problem fixed or not?
  2. christian.v.t.shadd14

    MySQL PHP Errors.

    So premium servers have less php problems?
  3. christian.v.t.shadd14

    MySQL PHP Errors.

    Apparently it does effect because php cannot update databases.
  4. christian.v.t.shadd14

    MySQL PHP Errors.

    Still not responding. And I tested it, got an okay result. However, still xo3 seems to remain down.
  5. christian.v.t.shadd14

    MySQL PHP Errors.

    Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Is this a problem with my PHP Code or a website configuration error?
  6. christian.v.t.shadd14

    Website Default Page

    Thank you! Thank you so much!
  7. christian.v.t.shadd14

    Website Default Page

    Can anyone explain or help?
  8. christian.v.t.shadd14

    Website Default Page

    After migration, my website still has not been restored. I keep getting the default page (cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi) even after I cleared my DNS, cache, and tested it on other computers. My server is I am unsure whether to keep waiting but I apologize for my rush, I...