Recent content by cloneso2

  1. cloneso2

    Password reset not coming to my Email

    I tried to log into my account and noticed that I had to reset my password. I haven't recieved a password reset Email. My email address is correct and working ok. I've checked spam, junk, etc but still nothing is coming.
  2. cloneso2

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    I have noticed that the disk space seems to have gotten a lot smaller on my account? It's using 430mb of 512mb. I thought it was unlimited and unlimited bandwidth when i signed up?
  3. cloneso2

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Thank you very much, it seems to be working fine now
  4. cloneso2

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Hi, My site has been down for days. I can't log in to the control panel and the site is just displaying the message Apache is functioning normally Can you help?