Recent content by Cymro

  1. C

    Do you believe in God?

    Whilst some other religions say that it is a good thing to do so. What if a member of one of those religions came up to you and said "You don't have idols of your god, you clearly don't love him."? And then if they were to claim that there is no evidence of yours, but claimed that they had a...
  2. C

    Do you believe in God?

    Jupiter being a huge graivty well takes care of that aspect. You don't find many people worshipping it though. Would you like it if a Hindu said to you "We've got 330,000 gods, you've got one. Your life sounds next to hopeless to me"? Probably not. On a similar note, what would you do if a...
  3. C

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    So we have to back up everything that we say, but if we ask similar questions to you you're allowed to answer with "goddidit". I don't think there's much point in us trying to debate, do you?
  4. C

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    And your source for that is what, exactly? You said "The energy needs to be applied in a way that creates order.", and so I demonstrated an example of where the application can create order. We don't know yet. On the same note, where did God come from?
  5. C

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    I don't agree with that. For example, Nylon eating bacteria is a quite good example of a beneficial mutation. I know this isn't biology, but take crystals as an example. You apply a large amount of energy until the solution is melted, then allow it to cool down gradually. After a while, you'll...
  6. C

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    Not quite right, Proteins are made up of Amino acids, which are just a certain group of organic chemicals, and it's quite probable that some simple chemical reactions could form these (I think they've managed to make amino acids with electric discharges through a mixture of gases thought to have...
  7. C

    Mac or PC

    Mac OS is a unix like OS, so it and linux are cousins in a way ;)
  8. C

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    We had Norton antivirus for several years, and it was quite slow. Then we moved on to Kaspersky, after a magazine said it was the best. However, it was very disappointing. Although it wasn't a memory hog, the scanning time was appaling, once left it on for almost 24 hours and it was still only...
  9. C

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    -What exactly is the point of life? None, most likely. -Why are we here? Where are we going? No reason, nor is there any preset direction. Eventually, of course, there is a possibility that the human race will become extinct, by our own hand or otherwise, and another species will come into...
  10. C

    Mac or PC

    I use a PC with both XP and Ubuntu linux on it. Between the two OSes I have speed (linux), security (linux), a shiny interface (compiz on linux), loads of software (windows), and a large degree of customizability (the PC in general). I also work as a technician, so I can get new hardware at...
  11. C


    Hello there. I needed some hosting, and found this on one of those top-10 websites. So for the next 1800 minutes whilst my account is activated, I'm going to have a good read of the forums ;)