Recent content by Das10

  1. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    Oh yes yes..thanks for the help anyways :)
  2. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    So after that I can log in to cpanel? ( I couldn't log in to cpanel from the day my account was suspended)
  3. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    The Suspension has been removed but the mail that has come it also includes- Ticket Details Ticket ID: JUR-125205 Department: General Priority: Low Status: On Hold And when I try to log in via here - I get this message - It appears that we are having...
  4. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    Thanks for the help..hope they resolve it soon.
  5. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    And let my forum be suspended for ages?
  6. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    It has been escalated by Zohaib 3 days back but still no steps has been taken!
  7. Das10

    Account Still suspended

    My account has been suspended for 3 days and no one has care to remove the suspension...please some one remove it!
  8. Das10

    Account Suspended

    cpanel username -das cpanel domain -
  9. Das10

    Account Suspended

    My account is suspended and the reason is- Suspension Reason High resource usage. Unfortunately this suspension is not able to be resolved automatically. To resolve this suspension please open a support ticket. Please help me.
  10. Das10

    Softaculous thingy

    Oh I didn't know about that :p Thanks for the help anyways :D
  11. Das10

    Softaculous thingy

    Didn't know where to post so I posted here Why has been the software on the left been reduced? I wanna install Wordpress but It ain't there under 'blog' option.
  12. Das10

    Help ! Websites are Gone.

    Please see this - Cheers Das
  13. Das10


    BTW the reason behind no .htaccess being created in public_html is because of the shifting of servers?
  14. Das10


    Was waiting for your reply :)..btw once the forum is coming and once its not...I guess its because of you guys shifting server?
  15. Das10


    Help me...when accessing its showing a default page...but going to it redircts to my forum How to solve the problem? Edit: Also another problem whenever I am creating a redirect it ain't creating a .htaccess file? Edit: Solved the second problem