Recent content by demonragna

  1. demonragna

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company?

  2. demonragna

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Last game I bought was BLUR and I only played it about twice Lol. But hey I got it for $20. :D
  3. demonragna

    Want to change domain name?

    I actually already have a domain parked but if I can't change it thats fine by me thanks though.
  4. demonragna

    Want to change domain name?

    Okay I want to change my domain name from to something else. Is this possible or do I have to delete my whole hosting account and create a new one?
  5. demonragna

    Hotmail Vs Yahoo Vs Gmail

    Gmail for sure. I only have Hotmail because of Xbox Live. and Yahoo yeah it ain't that great.
  6. demonragna

    How much RAM do you have?

    4GB of DDR3 RAM baby. :D
  7. demonragna

    For every kind (genre) of games, what aspect do U like most from them?

    Fighting: Character selection, response/reaction, online play. Yeah thats all I can really think about in a fighting game.
  8. demonragna


    The only game I find interesting on omgpop is Baloono because its like Bomberman.
  9. demonragna

    What kind of games do you play??

    I like to play Fighting, RPGs, and Racing games.
  10. demonragna

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company?

    Capcom and Square Enix.
  11. demonragna

    Huge List Of Free MMO Games

    Nice list of games, I might try some. Played a couple of them already my past 5 years.
  12. demonragna

    What ticks off an average normal guy to kill 12 people?

    This is just crazy, I mean how could you just go off and kill people like that.
  13. demonragna

    army of two 2

    The only problem I have with this game is the camera angles but overall its a nice game.
  14. demonragna

    What's in your disc tray?

    Forza 3 for me.