Recent content by diogosmelo80

  1. D

    Lift Country Rescriction Limit

    Hello, I have been using a Free x10Hosting account for some time now. Could you please lift my disk space and bandwidth limits? Thank you in advance!
  2. D

    "mysql error: [1030: Got error 28 from storage engine]" on Lotus

    My concrete5 based website throws this error while trying to access the MySQL. Everything was fine until today, I haven't changed anything! I've been having a lot of problems with the MySQL server on Lotus, going offline, access errors…, is there anyway you can migrate my account to another...
  3. D

    The MySQL® server is currently offline.

    "The MySQL® server is currently offline." I'm on Lotus! Please help me out!
  4. D

    Parked Domain redirects without any redirection set up

    Ok, I just figured it out. My CMS was still using the old base url ( and redirected automatically. Thank you anyway! Cheers!
  5. D

    Parked Domain redirects without any redirection set up

    .htaccess: Thank you for your help!
  6. D

    Parked Domain redirects without any redirection set up

    Hello, I parked my domain ( without any redirection but everytime I access it (either through or I get redirected to By the way, when I added it, cPanel throwed this error message: —————————————————————— There was a problem...
  7. D

    Unable to park a domain

    Hello, When I try to park my domain (, cPanel throws this error message: —————————————————————— There was a problem creating the parked domain. Show Details Error from hooks wrapper: Domain action was not successfully synchronized with Jackmunch. Array ( [0] => <pre>Array...
  8. D

    Can't upload/modify/create files through FTP (Lotus server)

    Hello, I'm receiving this error when I try to upload to my FTP account: "Disk full - please upload later Erro -160: could not start data transfer" My account is brand new, hosted on the Lotus server, and I have confirmed that my disk is not full (it's completely empty). Is this a server...