Recent content by djmoya

  1. D

    Constructive Criticism

    working on changing the header trying to brain storm some ideas...
  2. D

    Constructive Criticism

    I changed alot of things on my website its still a work in progress especially the theme template check it out thanks for every ones help
  3. D

    Constructive Criticism

    Do the AD Enhanced servers normally have more up time? Edit: Working on website now its going to look funky for today and maybe tomorrow
  4. D
  5. D

    Constructive Criticism

    Glad you like the icons and layout. the big long empty strip on the right should be showing my Twitpic Updates.. hmm what web browser are you using. Ill check out making the font a bit smaller. maybe the fact i need glasses makes things look good to me lol. Edit: Yea im still learning alot...
  6. D

    Constructive Criticism

    Thanks i like to try to make my website look different from all the rest. You had some great suggestion ill most likely implement all of them into my re design tweaks. Thanks Edit: Thanks for moving the thread i didnt see the Review my site page. Ive ben having problems scaling the icons in...
  7. D

    Constructive Criticism

    Hi fellow x10 users i was wondering if i can get some constructive criticism on my website. What you like, don't like and what needs to change. Thanks for your help.
  8. D

    dj mix website

    Hmm weird maybe because i was working on it at that time. It worked for my friend so hopefully its up now. is it working for anyone else?
  9. D

    dj mix website

    Hi guys ive been using x10hosting for a few months and love the service. Just wondering what all of you think about the service so far and any hidden gems in the cpanel you use? oh yea and check out my website let me know what you think