even with the pointer is not working... same apache ...
or if i try to access wp-admin page is
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
i think i need to backup the site and delete it ... everything is setup now but not working :)
done it - not working :) ( now when i access the .tk domain is going to my site. but : some Apache is .... )
changed also the name ( now is myprintedidea.x10.bz) - same not working
In resource usage i see i have :
Your site had been limited within the past 24 hours
I/O usage resources...
Tnx for you answer.
i removed the site from CloudFlares, and removed the .tk domain.
i am getting "Apache is functioning normally" when i try to access myprintidea.x10.bz.
The time out error, i am getting when i use the .tk address.