Recent content by dyson.james1086

  1. dyson.james1086


    Sorry i have learnt my lesson but can please at least download the files because i did put a lot of work into it... Sorry i am heart broken and deeply sorry....
  2. dyson.james1086


    Can I have my account back please....I am sorry for the trouble i caused and want to fix it up...
  3. dyson.james1086

    great hosting, but...

    Not only do I think China's Politicians are being unfair but all so they are starting to block stuff that will not only create a barrier for some people to "get out there" and get to know the rest of the world better or make new friends but they are also recking (my opinion) The country's...
  4. dyson.james1086

    Let's play a game!

    OK? What is going on here???!!