Recent content by eliteel5

  1. eliteel5

    Unable to create database via Hosting control panel

    Thank you for update Im pleased to advise all looks as though this now resolved your end Thanking you all for outstanding service and prompt reply
  2. eliteel5

    Give me your opinion on my constantly-updating personal and fun site!

    Very good , well done to you It's encouraging to see individuals your age showing interest and making an effort. Why you overcame obstacles and hardships to defeat individuals much older than you and take a look at what you have accomplished on your own initiative Seeing your scripts would...
  3. eliteel5

    Unable to create database via Hosting control panel

    Hi all Its been quite a while since I logged into X10 That in itself expresses how professional X10 is A service that is for the nest part 99.99% robust , well managed , equally secure hence a word of real thanks to the dedication of staff whom manage x10 On that note I hope all had a...
  4. eliteel5

    PHP security Login , password , security

    Hi all and hope all are in good health I have a few questions regarding PHP login , password etc and need some assistance in hope that some one can offer correct information's Currently I have an application that runs on RPI(raspberry pi ) utilizing C++ that posts at intervals data...
  5. eliteel5

    I'm doing a site for a school project but my site is just showing white and black letters, its not showing the design and colors I have in Visual stud

    You dont ideally want to be using visual studio for this You do want to be using something like VsCode or which is open source Here is the link for this which is available for windows or Linux or mac OS This is by far the best way to learn...
  6. eliteel5

    I'm doing a site for a school project but my site is just showing white and black letters, its not showing the design and colors I have in Visual stud

    Hi tato250 , send me the link on your site I can probably help you with this Correct You need to use CSS or inline CSS Its better to link to a style sheet from your index.htm or html file in a folder named CSS and creating a file named main.css then link to this within your header...
  7. eliteel5

    Website hacked

    I dont quite know how this has happened but could you check for me as to what the status of this is and keep an eye on this please Might be an idea to pick up on IP / Mac address Attached is photo This may well have been someone using code I will change pass word for FTP in the...
  8. eliteel5

    Important Errors when trying to login / reply for inactive email

    Hi Eric Yes I can confirm the issue is with Firefox with respect to login Forum how ever is fine Chrome is OK and works fine with login as normally expected with Firefox Hope that throws some light on this for you Thanking you again
  9. eliteel5

    Important Errors when trying to login / reply for inactive email

    Cheers will do I am using Firefox currently so will get back to you shortly Thanking you for very your quick response and your continued excellent support
  10. eliteel5

    Important Errors when trying to login / reply for inactive email

    Hi Eric Im having issues logging in after reminder this month Ive done as requested to change password Having done this I then attempt login but all I get is blank webpage which just sits idle with no reports and no error codes being returned I can however ftp with no issues and I...
  11. eliteel5


    Hi Garrett Ive just gone through this process this morning but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much point in trying to do this now as they have removed Java support from Firefox and other browsers This was really a good idea however its no longer supported and caused quite a...
  12. eliteel5


    Hi Thanks for getting back to me on this I think these links below explain how this is done I could try this on my own server back home which runs Apache and then let you know Add the following entries to the apache httpd.conf AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp AddType...
  13. eliteel5


    Hi all , trust all are well and in good health I have a quick question with regards JNLP This is a pure server enquiry so possibly for administrators only Can this implemented on X10 web servers currently Example code for this as follows I did a quick search on this and found...
  14. eliteel5

    I thought I'd ask. Is anyone really familar with CSS?

    A small bit of advise for you , "Start changing your width units px to units vw and height units px to units vh " The reason for this as I discovered the hard way is much to do with responsive design If you like to read up on this then follow this link below for additional tips Fun...
  15. eliteel5

    I thought I'd ask. Is anyone really familar with CSS?

    I found an excellent set of tutorials which I'm currently following myself with reflection to CSS and html and whilst i appreciate you may already have found a solution I'm going to place a link below that all can follow So far these have proved excellent and extremely well presented I...