Recent content by estories

  1. E

    404 error

    Good point. This might have been the reason indeed. Thx for the hint.
  2. E

    404 error

    Thanks so much, Anna. The many false IMAP login attempts seem a bit strange to me, since there is just one client, which logs in with saved credentials automatically. Whatsoever, I will check the firewall logs.
  3. E

    404 error

    I've never seen my website as dead as this time: no ping, no FTP, no mysqi and of course no webserver connections. Is anybody out there, who can tell me, what's going on? Thx.And a Happy New Year Wolfram
  4. E

    Unable to access

    Yep, online again. - Well done. Many thanks for Anne and her team.
  5. E

    Unable to access

    Thx, Anne.
  6. E

    Unable to access

    same problem here with blank screen and timeout error. Timeout as well with FTP.
  7. E

    Timeouts with website as well as with DirectAdmin

    Works fine again. Thx for your efforts.
  8. E

    Timeouts with website as well as with DirectAdmin

    After switching to ssl there was a phase of a pretty speedy behaviour of the website. However, since about 36 hours I observed a constant decrease in speed. It ended up in a server timeout of the website and of the administration panel. FTP access is down as well. I wonder, what's going on...
  9. E

    Important Errors when trying to login / reply for inactive email

    Hello Eric, I am getting these invalid emails as well. Although I am logging into DirectAdmin every few days. My webpage is coming from Germany (EU) but without any advertisement, tracking, comments and so on. And rated in Google , Bing and Wordpress as premium content. So it's pretty strange...
  10. E

    x10 up and running

    Hello Eric, independently of any prevailing server problems, I must say, you are making an awful job there. Since, no matter from which distance ( 3k, 6k or 10k kilometers) I am connecting to my webpage, it's loading almost instantly. This is fabulous. So a really big thx for your work. Wolfram
  11. E

    x10 up and running

    Not sure, if other members see the same result - but for me x10 hosting is working again after the the DNS problems - thx to the team.
  12. E


    Glad to hear, that the origin of the problem is identified. I already checked out all possible options and was about to run out of ideas. And – thx for your work.
  13. E


    Same problem here.
  14. E

    Thx to the team

    Thanks to Anna, Eric, Garretroyce and the whole x10hosting team. Everything fine now again. Great job. As a wise man said: shit happens (even complete datacenters may burn down to the ground, as it happened earlier this year in Strasbourg, France). As a remnant of the desaster there were left...