Recent content by fantas64

  1. F

    Unable to create new site

    Ignore this logged on with another account by mistake
  2. F

    Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours

    Cool I understand now thanks
  3. F

    Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours

    I think the issue was some plugins, I have de-activated them now and the process's have reduced does the restriction get automatically removed?
  4. F

    Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours

    Hi all Getting some weird issues updating my website and saw this, I can see stuff happening but don't really know where to start can anyone shed some light or point me in the right direction please? Resource Usage Overview Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours CPU resources...
  5. F

    More Resource?

    Hi I sometimes get an error on my site (especially when updating or adding new) that the resources are all used up, I have noticed that when this happens the CPU is all used up. Can I get more processing power?
  6. F

    More space please

    Thats Great thanks very much
  7. F

    More space please

    Hi All Please can my space be increased? I am pretty sure I am in the usage terms, just ran out of space
  8. F

    Dont seem to be able to add anymore images?

    Hi Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, I was getting an error when uploading images to my site saying unable to write to disk. I have removed alot of images that were no longer in use and now seems ok. Can you please explain what a Laravel project is please? Also please can you advise...
  9. F

    Dont seem to be able to add anymore images?

    Hi I have a free account, I appear to not be able to add anymore images or posts? Please advise I thought there was no limit? Thanks