Recent content by firenite

  1. F

    Mods now ignoring free hosting users!

    Why are moderators ignoring free hosting users' requests for support? I've seen a good few threads that require x10hosting staff intervention, such as storage increase requests and server-side errors/issues. I too had (and still have) a problem with file uploads that I made a thread about...
  2. F

    File uploads are not working!

    Hello, I am trying to upload a zip file to a directory via cPanel. The path I am trying to upload this to is /public_html/cart/ The issue appears to be the path in which cPanel's File Manager Upload system is trying to upload the file to - I've noticed that once the file has been...
  3. F

    Issue with cPanel File Manager

    Hello, I just wanted to make any administrators on here aware that I am (and possibly other users are) having issues with uploading files via the cPanel File Manager. I tried multiple times to upload a script installation via a zip archive, and after refreshing my directory contents, nothing...