Recent content by geirgrusom

  1. G

    header function fails even on pure php pages

    I use Visual Studio, so I fixed it by choosing Advanced Save Options->Use UTF8 without byte order mark.
  2. G

    header function fails even on pure php pages

    Thanks for replying :) But there really is nothing before <?php Not a single space or line break, at least thats what my text editor tells me. Could it be related to the UTF-8 BOM character? edit: turned out it was the BOM character, Thanks for replying :)
  3. G

    header function fails even on pure php pages

    Suddenly, today (or at least today I noticed it), the header functions always returns Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/me/somefile_php:1) in /home/me/some_file.php on line x Why has this suddenly started? the page in question is a...
  4. G

    php include

    As Livewire says, php include is like the #include preprocessor directive in C/C++ It simply cuts and copies code into the new document with one exception: Even though include is inside <?php ?> tags, you still need to put this inside the included file, because include kinda temporarily cancels...
  5. G

    asp to access database

    First of all, I don't think classic ASP is supported, you need to write ASP.NET (good riddance any way, classic ASP is garbage) And second, I could not get database support on this server using ASP.NET either, so I switched to the inferior language php. This server is running Mono, and it is...
  6. G

    Slow response time

    I am also on the chopin server, and I frequently get Network Timeout.
  7. G

    Do you believe in God?

    The problem with only examples, are that they prove nothing. Even if someone did get reanimated, it is not proof of god at all, neither are lame people standing up or cured drug addicts. You bring up two assumtions: 1. God did it 2. Not just any god, your god. How do you know it was not...
  8. G

    Do you believe in God?

    Think about this: It is impossible to rationalize belief in god without flawed logic or ungrounded assumptions. This makes me reach the conclusion that god may or may not exists, but who knows? and if you cannot reach a solid foundation to your belief, why believe in the first place? because of...
  9. G

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    I use windows vista on my usual development machine, and have become pretty addicted to .NET. I used Ubuntu for a while, but it had way too many issues, especially with installing applications, which can be ridiculously difficult at times (depending on the application) And the sound system...