
All my life I have been told I am an artist. After being told something for so long, you start to believe it, not only through application but through mentality as well. Sometimes it blossoms into a big monster that consumes you entirely.

This is what happened to me. I graduated from the Advanced Graphic Design program at St. Lawrence College in 2008. It taught me so much about the fundamentals of design and the practical (and even the crazy) application of it in the business and art world.
I graduated from 3D Animation and 3D Game Artist with CD-ED. I have always wanted to be a character designer, and video games are a passion. What better way than to combine the two for the ultimate career!

Currently I'm living with 4 boys; 2 homosapiens, 1 canine, and 1 feline. While 2 share my enthusiasm with video games and family nights, the other 2 just want belly scratches and food.

Drawing, reading, playing games.
Cornwall, ON
Recent graduate.