Recent content by Jay-Ar

  1. J

    Multiple Account Unblock Request

    i refreshed the page and it now says Unknown Error
  2. J

    Multiple Account Unblock Request

    I got error E2486CDA72D602107, how can i access my control panel again? Thanks.
  3. J

    cant access control panel

    is x11 server having a maintenance again?
  4. J

    Cant open control panel.

    I tried to open access the control panel again just now and it now works! Thank you very much!
  5. J

    This site can’t be reached || took too long to respond

    Having the same issue, i think all x11 has the same problem. Hope they fix it soon
  6. J

    Cant open control panel.

  7. J

    Cant open control panel.

    i can login with my account and go to dashboard, but when i click the control panel it just say: "Internal error. Please refresh the page and try again." tried refreshing again and again but still not works and says error 500 though my website is working and i can open my phpmyadmin database...
  8. J

    My website is working but cant log-in to hosting panel.

    same problem. do you solve it now?