Recent content by johnleannramos

  1. J

    My First Site

    thanks for viewing my site and for giving cool example for portfolio site. :-) They give me inspiration. :-) I hope I could make websites like that. I also look at your web site and damn it's so cool :-) Right now i'm trying to re-design the site and make some revisions on my codes. :-) Thanks...
  2. J

    :-) Peace :-)

    :-) Peace :-)
  3. J

    Greetings 10xhosting mates :-)

    thanks for the greetings mikebro :-) ;)
  4. J

    My First Site

    thank you fguy64 for viewing the site. Technically speaking, it's really not my very first designed website. The reason why I say it this is the first because this is the first time that I sticked in the designed that i made and finished it and upload it to the web. (I usually scratched it...
  5. J

    My First Site

    Hi, I'm new at 10xhosting and new to web designing, here is my simple web portfolio site suggestions, comments, violent reactions are welcome. ;) thank you so much
  6. J

    Greetings 10xhosting mates :-)

    Hi! I'm john. I just moved here.. (came from other web hosting) and i see 10xhosting has a lot to offer. :-) I'm new web designing / programming and i hope i would grow in this community. Thank you :-) ;)