Recent content by jsbenson10194

  1. J

    Getting an error saying disk is full

    While trying to upolad a small file, I'm getting error "552 Disk Full - please upload later"
  2. J

    Server error

    I'm getting a server error when trying to go to This is my main domain. My add-on domain works fine though.
  3. J

    Having problems setting up email account

    I am using Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2003. I was able to add one of my email accounts to outlook (, but when I try to add either of the other two ( and it fails. I have tried using the reg files from the...
  4. J

    Having lots of problems

    I have been trying to get my suspension reset. I received an email notifying me that my account was going to be suspended. I visited my site and logged into my account when I got this (I still had a week before the suspension). It got suspended anyways. I have tried many times to unsuspend...
  5. J

    pending domain change error

    I submitted a ticket about problems I was having with my account being suspended. It looks like it's fixed now. But, I put is a request to change my domain and I see the following under the status... A system error occurred while processing this action. Error Code: C085843B
  6. J

    I can't find cPanel

    This may sound dumb, but I can't seem to find the cPanel anywhere. Is this from the outage? If not, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks -Jeff
  7. J

    Can't access site

    I changed my domain name from "medhead" to "eleven" and the status said "complete" but when I try to navigate to it does not exist.
  8. J

    All my files are missing

    All of my public website files are gone from public html and I can't get into the cpanel