Recent content by KalebSzabo

  1. K

    How long...

    Totally! That would be really cool. Great idea!
  2. K

    How long...

    How long do you wait in line to get approved usually? I have been waiting a couple days and some ahve been waiting for months. So, How long will I be waiting for?
  3. K

    My account is still in the queue

    Yeah. I wanna host my webite. I can do flash and put a forum up. I would like it =):rant2:
  4. K

    Mac or PC

    I like both equally, So if i could choose both, then both. PC: Cause Best gaming platform and multi-purpose platform. Mac:Best recording platform i know and best software platform.
  5. K

    Whats your life goal?

    My Life goal is to Live, Love, and Sleep. To that i guess is to start a business and have a family. Thats all i need to be happy.
  6. K

    Greeting X10!

    Yes it will. After I get approved from X10 lol, I only have 5-10MB from my current provider lol. Also, with X10 and their provided emails, I CAN HAVE DIRECT CONTACT TO THE MEMBERS! i am excited. Still waiting for conformation though lol Thanks for the welcome. ps, if you want i can pm you our...
  7. K

    Which Day do you Prefer?

    Well, I like Friday's and Saturdays. If I had to pick one then it would be Saturday. Saturdays are when i get to see my Girlfriend for the longest amount of time. So...Saturdays :biggrin: ---------------- Now playing (My bands song): Fine Young Gentlemen - Shrimpy's Song via FoxyTunes
  8. K

    My freeware apps!

    On your contact page Some errors to fix. On the bright side, A nice site for a bright one but I myself prefer darker ones. :biggrin:
  9. K

    Making money

    man reading all of this i notice your in a bummer. Brainstormed anymore ideas on how to get some revenue?
  10. K

    Greeting X10!

    Hello Everyone! My name is Kaleb, I am going to take part in this community. :biggrin: My website will fall along the lines of this url (which works for now) I am trying to find a free great place to hold my bands website and forum. I decided this would be a great...