sorry total n00b alert; @disturbedart I don't follow - do you mean log in to x10hosting on a phone's browser and log in brute force-style? or is there a way to configure a phone's native email client to accept? tks in advance, sorry again for the n00bitude.
one more question: I generated a 'contact email' wi/in x10's system for x10 to reach me:
where do I go to check this? I know where to go to add more addresses etc.:
but I can't recall reading...
ahhh tks; I registered "" from the cPanel here:
and now instead of hanging, my browser redirects here:
one presumes that when the redirect filters thru the...
solved: enter the two nameservers and in the "Server Name" fields; leave the IP Address boxes empty - actually figured it out by getting out a magnifying glass and looking at point (2.) above ;-)
in x10's great tutorial:
I'm trying to point my new .tk domain ( at my new x10 site
write your x10hosting url in the url box only everything before 10x
Select use DNS...