Recent content by linuxdis

  1. L

    Unable to park domain?

  2. L

    Unable to park domain?

    I tried this a few weeks ago, but I didn't try again until now. It failed just like before. I've already added the nameservers to Cloudflare's DNS settings for my domain. This is the result. What did I do wrong? Thanks
  3. L

    Files gone

    I'm so sick of this. Bye x10 until you fix these errors (503)
  4. L

    :( 503 Service Unavailable

    I'm getting this too. I'm thinking of switching to a paid host like HostGator...
  5. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    I came here for unlimited space and bandwidth. I got that. But no real service? I was going to buy a site from here, but I may go to hostgator instead. I've used 000Webhost with no problems at all. The only thing I don't like about it is limited space and bandwidth.
  6. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    I'm not getting 404.. I'm getting 503 still.. Almost 17 hours down...
  7. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    I'm still getting 503 accessing my site, but like the others, I l can access CPanel.
  8. L

    Which Web Browser you like most?

    I use Google Chrome on Xubuntu 12.10 x64, Arch Linux x64, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, and any other Linux distro.
  9. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    Hopefully it will be back by morning.
  10. L

    Fix domain

    I use SITE: I find it's the best domain ever.
  11. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    It's still out for me... :(
  12. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    It's almost been an hour since I got the error (6:30PM - 7:25PM CDT)
  13. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    Heck, I waited all day for my sisters website to get out of registration pending. I then installed SMF went to take a shower, came back to start working on it, and I got that license message.... :frown:
  14. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    This is the site: I'm getting 503. Can you verify?
  15. L

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    I get this 503 error on my site: 503 Service UnavailableThe server is temporarily busy, try again later!Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!